Full bibliography
79 resources-
Smith, G. (2020). Quality Assurance Audit: HealthPathways ACT & SNSW.
Dilcher, M., Werno, A., & Jennings, L. C. (2020). SARS-CoV-2: a novel deadly virus in a globalised world. The New Zealand Medical Journal, 133(1510), 6–11.
Robertson, R., & Ewbank, L. (2020). Thinking differently about commissioning: Learning from new approaches to local planning. The Kings Fund.
McGeoch, G., Shand, B., Gullery, C., Hamilton, G., & Reid, M. (2019). Hospital avoidance: an integrated community system to reduce acute hospital demand. Primary Health Care Research & Development, 20.
Lee, X. J., Blythe, R., Choudhury, A. A. K., Simmons, T., Graves, N., & Kularatna, S. (2019). Review of methods and study designs of evaluations related to clinical pathways. Australian Health Review, 43(4), 448–456.
WentWest Ltd. (2019). Investigation of the impact of HealthPathways in reducing variations in care in general practice Final Evaluation Report. WentWest Ltd.
Davidson, P. J., McGeoch, G., & Shand, B. (2019). Inclusion of a molecular marker of bladder cancer in a clinical pathway for investigation of haematuria may reduce the need for cystoscopy. The New Zealand Medical Journal, 132(1497), 55–64.
Love, T. (2019). Implementing HealthPathways across Queensland: a case study. Sapere Research Group.
Gill, S. D., Mansfield, S., McLeod, M., von Treuer, K., Dunn, M., & Quirk, F. (2019). HealthPathways improving access to care. Australian Health Review: A Publication of the Australian Hospital Association, 43(2), 207–216.
Norris, S., Huckel Schneider, C., Applegarth, K., Wortley, S., Elshaug, A., & Wilson, A. (2019). HealthPathways Sydney Evaluation. The University of Sydney.
Maidlow, S. C., Ardagh, M., Callender, R., & Thomas, O. (2019). Addition of explicit guidance to acute pancreatitis guidelines increases compliance with amylase measurement recommendations. The New Zealand Medical Journal, 132(1489), 81–88.
Chow, J. S. F., Gonzalez-Arce, V. E., Tam, C. W. M., Warner, K., Maurya, N., & Mcdougall, A. (2019). Creating a successful health pathway to support the integration of patient care. Journal of Integrated Care, ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print).
Blythe, R., Lee, X., & Kularatna, S. (2019). HealthPathways: An economic analysis of the impact of primary care pathways in Mackay, Queensland.
Stokes, T., Tumilty, E., Doolan-Noble, F., & Gauld, R. (2018). HealthPathways implementation in a New Zealand health region: a qualitative study using the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research. BMJ Open, 8(12), e025094.
Maidlow, S. C. (2018). Clinical guideline use and compliance: examining variation from the clinical pathway [Masters, University of Otago].
Dixon, B., Gray, J., Elliot, N., Shand, B., & Lynn, A. (2018). A multifaceted programme to reduce the rate of tongue-tie release surgery in newborn infants: Observational study. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, 113, 156–163.
Epton, M., Limber, C., Gullery, C., McGeoch, G., Shand, B., Laing, R., Brokenshire, S., Meads, A., & Nicholson-Hitt, R. (2018). Reducing hospital admissions for COPD: perspectives following the Christchurch Earthquake. BMJ Open Respiratory Research, 5(1).
Dickins, E., Altman, L., Woolfenden, S., & Zurynski, Y. (2018). An evaluation of HealthPathways and its impact upon quality of referrals received by a tertiary paediatric allergy and immunology service. International Journal of Integrated Care, 18, 26.
Trankle, S. A., Usherwood, T., Abbott, P., Roberts, M., Crampton, M., Girgis, C. M., Riskallah, J., Chang, Y., Saini, J., & Reath, J. (2018). Integrating health care in Australia: a qualitative evaluation. BMC Health Services Research, 19(1), 954.
Gray, J. S., Swan, J. R., Lynch, M. A., Tay, T. M., Mackenzie, M.-J., Wiggers, J. H., Harrison, K. A., McDonald, R. C., O’Dea, I. P., Harrigan, L. M., Fitzgerald, S. M., & Hunter and New England HealthPathways Steering Committee. (2018). Hunter and New England HealthPathways: a 4-year journey of integrated care. Australian Health Review: A Publication of the Australian Hospital Association, 42(1), 66–71.
- Advice (1)
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- Australia (28)
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- Community Care (12)
- Compliance Improved (1)
- Conference Abstract (2)
- COVID-19 (3)
- Economic Analysis (3)
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- GP/hospital relationships (10)
- HealthPathways Evaluation (22)
- Hospital HealthPathways (2)
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