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5 resources-
Gullery, C., & Hamilton, G. (2015). Towards integrated person-centred healthcare – the Canterbury journey. Future Hospital Journal, 2(2), 111–116.
McGeoch, G., Gullery, C., & Hamilton, G. (2022). The Canterbury Initiative – implementation of integration. Journal of Primary Health Care, 14(1), 6–9.
McGeoch, G., Shand, B., Gullery, C., Hamilton, G., & Reid, M. (2019). Hospital avoidance: an integrated community system to reduce acute hospital demand. Primary Health Care Research & Development, 20.
Schluter, P. J., Hamilton, G. J., Deely, J. M., & Ardagh, M. W. (2016). Impact of integrated health system changes, accelerated due to an earthquake, on emergency department attendances and acute admissions: a Bayesian change-point analysis. BMJ Open, 6(5), e010709.
Goodwin, J., Shand, B., Wiseman, R., Brough, N., McGeoch, G., Hamilton, G., & Grundy, K. (2021). Achievements and challenges during the development of an advance care planning program. Australasian Journal on Ageing, n/a(n/a).
- Community Care (1)
- Hospital HealthPathways (1)
- New Zealand (5)
- System Change (1)
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- Journal Article (5)
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Online resource
- yes (5)